Faulty electrical wiring can cause overheating and fires and should be dealt with as soon as possible.
In the UK, over 30 people die in electrical incidents and around 4000 are injured each year. More than 8000 fires occur as a result of faulty electrical wiring or equipment with millions of pounds worth of damages.
If you have recently moved or live in an ageing, historic or listed property, you may encounter multiple electrical faults or damage, some of which could be hidden.
Problems with wiring are not always easy to spot so read on for key warning signs to look out for.
If you notice electrical issues in your home, contact a qualified, registered and experienced electrician immediately and don’t attempt any major fixes yourself.
1. Flickering, buzzing or dimming lights
Lights can flicker if you have low-quality, old and faulty connections. Try changing the bulbs and see if that makes a difference. If your lights buzz, flicker or dim when using multiple appliances, this may be a sign that your home’s wiring needs an upgrade. Contact an electrician about moving lights to different circuits or installing dedicated lines for major appliances, such as washing machines or fridges.
2. Frayed, outdated or chewed wiring
Wiring can be chewed by pets and pesky rodents, creating a fire hazard. If you do have damaged wiring, it will need to be replaced by a professional electrician.
If you have an older property, you may have aluminium or knob-and-tube wiring fitted which is outdated and could be dangerous due to age and inferior design.
3. Frequently tripping circuit breakers or blown fuses
If your circuit breaker is continuously tripping, it may be overloaded with multiple appliances running on the same circuit. You may need to upgrade your fuse box or add new circuits to cope with modern electrical demands.
4. Mild electric shocks
You should not feel an electric shock when coming into contact with any electrical points, but if you do feel a jolt and perhaps hear a fizzing or buzzing sound, this is a clear indication that the connection needs to be fixed. Experiencing shocks can also be a sign of water leakage in the area.
5. Discolouration, scorching and smoke (and smells!)
Intense heat from outlets can cause discolouration and scorch marks, as well as a burning smell. When cables overheat, the protective sheath melts, exposing the wiring to each other. This can lead to fires, short circuits, injury and property damage. If you notice any odd smells coming from outlets, turn off and unplug anything connected to it.
If an outlet gets unusually hot, even when nothing is plugged in, this is an indication that it could be wired incorrectly. If it overheats when there is an appliance connected, try plugging the appliance into another outlet.
If you spot any of these signs, or feel vibrations from your outlets, your electrical system has been damaged. Don’t delay and contact a reputable electrician immediately.
6. Sparking and buzzing
If a breaker panel, fuse box or outlet is sparking, contact an electrician to take a look. But if an appliance is sparking, contact the retailer or manufacturer. If it’s still relatively new, it could be repaired under warranty.
When electricity is flowing smoothly, it should be quiet and barely noticeable. But loose prongs, outlets or frayed wiring can cause the current to jump, producing a buzzing or crackling sound. If you can hear sounds from outlets, stop using them and contact an electrician.
If you are selling a property, you should hire a registered electrician to carry out a full inspection of all electrical installations. We are fully qualified and experienced in rewiring homes, repairing electrical faults and carrying out electrical inspections. Take a look at our full list of services and get in touch for a free, no obligation quote.